Day Three - Saturday, May 26
Today will be mostly downhill, dropping from 6000' to 3000'. Both me and SB slept better and are ready to push it. About 8 miles from camp, SB slipped off a rock and hurt his ankle. He tried hiking on it but said he couldn't. Me and SB had caught up with 4 of the hikers we met yesterday. All of us walked him out to the nearby highway so he could go get it looked at. I told him I wasn't going to stop and he should try to rejoin us in a couple of days or after the desert. I'm continuing on with CA Chris, CO Ryan and the Virginia Mountain boys. I will have to go slower than I planned but will have their company through the desert if SB doesn't return.
Suicide Boy has left the building!!
Notes on Julien: A Mt Laguna fireman picked up Julien and drove him the 50+ miles to a San Diego hospital. The doctor said he could have a torn achilles tendon and should not hike on it for 2 months. He decided to return to France and will get it x-rayed there. The fireman drove Julien to the SD airport and he arrived in SF an hour later. He changed his return flight to France to Monday at 3 PM. He took BART to Fremont where Jerry picked him. He checked back into the hotel he had been staying at since he arrived. He and Jerry opened all of the resupply boxes and removed all of his supplies. He won't send back a lot of the food since it costs more to ship that it's worth. Anyone want any of the many bags of couscous, mixed nuts, trail mix, crackers, etc sitting in Jerry's living room??The day went well and we made it to Rodriguez Spur Truck Trail (Mile 68) before stopping for the day. All of my "boys" were good company today. I am old enough to be their mother so I'm calling them my "sons".
The gnats are bad! I'm using lots of bug spray.
I guess the Fates were on my side when Jerry met my "sons" on the trail and then introduced me to them in Mt Laguna. They are all really great guys and will be good company through the desert. There also is a Russian woman out here who started 3 days before me but got lost for 2 days in the first 20 miles so I'm hoping to see her somewhere along the trail.
Farewell Julien. I'm sorry you won't finish the PCT Journey with me.
Good going, Catra! Sorry about SB, but I'm glad to see you carrying on undeterred!
That's a bummer to lose your partner that quickly. That would kill me mentally. But looks like this is the start of finding many different traveling partners on your journey. That's always very fun. Keep runnin'. :)
Catra, you rock! Somehow I believe this is YOUR year and your journey will be a joy - even if mixed with tears and pain. You CAN go through it, you know you can, we all know you can, and you WILL!!!
This is Kevin from the JMT. I don't know if you can read your email so I'm writing this here. I live just a few miles from a very dry section of the PCT in the San Gabriel Mountains near L.A. Let me know if you need a water boy or a hiking partner for a day or two. If the timing is right and I don't have to work maybe we can hook up.
Hey Catra! I'm really looking forward these updates. You got me on the edge of my seat. I'm sorry that SB had to drop. Good luck with the desert.
:( Sorry to hear about SB Cat, but I know you're strong enough to go it alone (or with others you meet along the way!) Be safe and have fun!
You're an amazing person.
I don't know how you're getting this blog info out, but keep it coming.
Muts from Oz.
Awesome work, keep going, looks like it will be a slightly different event without SB. My good wishes go out to him on recovering. Keep enjoying the journey.
Amazing One ~
Great tales, Great adventures! Beuatiful pictures and so glad you've had your first sight of indigenous wildlife. That one looked to be ok ~ the poem goes something like "Red on black, friend of Jack, Red on yellow kills the fellow." So this one was a pretty girl greeting you and giving you blessings for the desert journey.
You are Beautiful.
Too bad about SB. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Thank you for the full size pictures, they allow me to almost be there with you.
Sorry about SB string of bad fortune. I was looking forward to getting to know him through your blog.
It sounds like a very rough trail and conditions. We're all rootin' for you, so keep going!
Sorry to hear about Julien - that's a bummer. I'm glad you've found some friends already. You're sure to find many more along the way.
And, like "trailrunner" Kevin mentioned above, there are angels throughout the Angeles Crest area that would be happy to lend a hand/foot. Just let us know.
Keep on truckin'. All of us here on the internets are pulling for you! -Deb
Hi Catra,
Sorry to hear about SB's foot. You'll be fine on your own. You are such a powerful woman!
Love ya,
Oh Jerry, this is Michele again, if you want to get rid of some of Ju's supplies please let me know. I could use some! P.S. It ended up I did place 1st in my division for the QuickSilver too! :)
Let me know. thanks!
Hi Catra,
Sorry about SB. You'll do great. Takecare and will send you +++vibes!!
Hey Catra,
Boomer & I hiked up Mission Peak early Thursday morning, in your honor. We faced your direction and wished you well. Friday morning we left for our camping trip in the Sierra's. We visited Kennedy Meadows to see where you will be passing through. I think you'll like it there. :)
We're hoping to get Rocky out for some exercise this week. I'll let you know how it goes.
Rock on Girlie!
Hi Catra, Sure sorry to hear about SB. I hope that he is able to make a full recovery. I am sure he is really disappointed as I know you have had this planned for a long time. Glad you were able to find some other trail mates though.
Lots of positive vibes coming your way from Oklahoma. You are too cool.
Sorry to hear about SB! He's had a rough week with the passing of his grandmother, and now this injury!
As always, you're hanging tough Catra! I'm glad you found a great group of guys to get through the trail with. You're so freaking amazing!!!
Well Catra, I won't be so kind, Julien was from the start...let's see how do they say in France...
Will G.
So Suicide Boy became Fallout Boy but that's not what's important right now.
Catra, you know you have what it takes.
We're all here cheering you on still and now it's "Full Steam Ahead".
You have never let much get in your way and I admire you for it.
Now light those flames back up and get going!
Catra, I have complete faith in you to make this a success. Doing it with SB would have been ideal, but I know you are up to the challenge. As always, run your own race, or in this case, your own hike. I am sending positive vibes your way every day.
bummer on SB's injury. wow, this pct journey is turning into quite an adventure already. good thing you hooked up with those other peeps. keep on rockin', catra.
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