First Day - Thursday, May 24
We got off at 7:30 to start the trail amid a shower of rose petals and a Haiku from Jerry. My friend Reinhold Metzger came out to do the first 21 miles with us.
Jerry was driving to Lake Morena to run backwards at us. The day turned out hotter and harder than we expected and the three of us were low on water by mile 12 where we met Jerry. Suicide Boy was having major issues with the heat and started going very slow. Jerry shared his water with SB who also struggled mentally when he got a phone call his Grandmother just died. The last 5 miles were tough and we were all out of water with 3 miles to go. Once we reached the last summit, Jerry ran back to the car to refill water bottles and then ran back up to us with water. I was ahead and reached the car first. SB had blacked out and fallen so Reinhold was kind enough to carry his pack the last 2 miles downhill. Thanks Reiny! The day ended with SB saying he was quiting and me panicing about going the desert alone.

Jerry drove Reinhard back to his car and had to go 4 wheeling in my car (the first time) to chase down a border patrol to get jumper cables to start Reinhold's car since he had left his lights on. After a couple of hours of cooling down and hydrating, I convinced SB to go another day of 21 miles before deciding to quit. We set up camp at Lake Morena. Jerry is staying over to drive to Burnt Rancheria, run back at us again and crew us until the end of day 2.
Not the way I thought our first day would go but I'm staying positive that tomorrow will be better!
Sorry to hear about the bad news SB received. I am sure the rest of the trip will be all great from here.
Catra I just love your positive thinking. SB just keep on going. When you start low it only can get better. I'll send you both positive thoughts and strength.
Catra the Amazing ~
Today's Four Agreements card is:
* Assume Nothing *
Holy Wow, Sister!*!*!
Keep smiling and moving. There's no doubt in my head that you're capable of conquering the desert.
*~*~Stay Brave and Strong*~*~
Many thanks to Jerry for all his efforts in keeping you well.
Give my condolances to SB. That's an awful thing to hear when starting a long journey like this, but it could also be the best thing. You guys will certainly have lots of time to ponder the difficulties and beauty of life when you're out there. Not too sound all zen and shit, but hope your SB gives it a good shot before he decides it's not working out.
And mental courage to you for facing such difficulties on the 1st day! We're all rooting for you both.
getting started is half the battle...good job, I will try and watch and see you in Central Oregon....rock on!!! see you on the PCT
Hang in there kids! Consider Day 1 a "dress rehearsal." And I was always taught that a BAD dress rehearsal meant a STELLAR performance. Give SB a BIG hug for me. Jerry told me about the haiku and roses....he's so sweet! ;) You CAN and WILL do this. See you in Tahoe! ;)
That's a rough first day! My thoughts and energy to you both! Stay strong SB ~ I feel for your loss. gain strength from her spirit.
go runners go!!
Oy. Sorry to hear about SB's relative passing. Thats a hard thing to deal with ontop of a day of getting mugged by the heat.
Thats one thing that I didn't even consider, the bay area is a lot cooler relative to SoCal.
I'll be thinking extra good thoughts for you guys this weekend while mountain biking around VA mountains!
What a start to a trip. You are the BEST team to deal with this. POSITIVE thoughts heading out to you on your next few days! Stay well.
Way to stay positive!! GOD Bless you guys!! Thousands of ANGELS watching over you!!
Stay strong guys! Catra, you sound upbeat and positive. Condolences to SB; my grandmother just died this week as well. It's tough to manage the grief.
Amazing Catra ~
"You are alive, so take your life and enjoy it. You were born with the right to be happy, to love and to share your love. Just to be-to take a risk and enjoy your life-is all that matters."
Live Your Dream Today, Catra. This Sunday is like no other. The heat. The beauty. The wildness of the desert opens her arms to you.
All love every day,
While doing a training run, my friend and I ran smack-dab into Catra and Julian just south of Pioneer Mail on the PCT on Saturday, May 26th. Even though we have seen Catra at many ultras, not knowing she was doing the thru hike, we didn't believe it was her until we read the article in the San Diego Union Today (Sunday) regarding their trek. When we passed, we said "hello", but we would've spoken longer if we realized it was them on such a long trek.
Good luck and hope to see you again soon!
Joe and Joi
My condolences to SB for his grandmother's passing. Hang in there!
What a first day out, indeed! Keep taking copious notes because you could make a great, Hollywood movie out of this adventure.
Catra, way to be there for SB and for talking him into holding on a little longer. I hope he finishes the journey with you!
godspeed and goddess-speed to you both!
Hey, good game-plan - get all the mishaps and bad-luck out of the way at the start! Now nothing can go wrong, right?!?!?!?!
Go for it!
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