Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Day 76 - Tuesday, August 7

Here is Erik the Black after a hard night partying. Told him we have to get back on the trail this morning.

My new Suunto watch compass hasn't been working since Jerry calibrated it in Sierra City. The last several days it just says S or SE no matter which direction we are facing. I looked for a compass in town but they all seemed too bulky. ETB tried to calibrate it but it wouldn't work from the instructions I had. I don't want to call Moosejaw to try to get another one after this one chased me for hundreds of miles along several PCT stops. I finally called Jerry and he told me how to calibrate it and it's working. Woohoo!

So I hitched a ride back to the trail head.
Wild Things Max was smiling to finally be back on the trail! LOL...
We have a 5500' climb in the next 34 miles from 2130' to over 7600'.
Castle Crags State Park is BEAUTIFUL. Only problem, it is HOT, HOT, HOT - my watch says 95ยบ. Plus there are lots of flies - they like slurping up our sweat. At least the trail is well marked and easy to follow, not like some of the overgrown trails in the previous section.
We expect to make at least 25 miles today.


Jurek said...

I think that Wild Things Max is just an eternal optimist, just like you girl!

Jo Lynn said...

Great to hear from you with an update. Sounds like you're doing well. California is a really long state, you know!!!
Rock on Girlie!
~Jo Lynn

Anonymous said...

You are such an inspiration, Catra. Keep truckin'!!!!


Olga said...

Yep, Wild Max is your bay, he has to smile:)

Miki said...

Pink looks good with your hair. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday Morning, Catra ~

this morning i read where a portion of the PCT in Washington is closed due to fire, forcing peeps like you to do a 20-30 walk around on a paved road. here's the link:

Maybe by the time you show up, it will be open again. Anyway, CHEERS to a Beautiful Day and you just keep on moving forward, Woman.

Peace and Joy,

litsl said...

Stupid watch compass. On mine (same model) my elbow is always pointing North. I'm sure that cannot be true.

I calibrated mine, well I tried, about 30 times indoors and it kept failing. I did it again outdoors and it worked better but it is still a crap compass. I need a new one too.