Day 20 - Tuesday, June 12
Moving along Mt Gleason's north ridge I can see the MoJave desert below to the northeast and know what's ahead for me after Agua Dulce. But today I'm just focused on moving quickly so I can reach AD tomorrow morning early. About 8am I'm sort of daydreaming and HOLY S--T! I come within 2 feet of stepping on a rattlesnake laying in the middle of the trail. :-O
I jumped back just in time and then went around it. Better keep my eyes open!
By Noon I am at mile 431 and having fun! I know that I will make 30 miles today.
I stopped at this campground where there were all of these derelicts camping out. I wasn't sure that I wanted to hang around there but this older Korean woman came over to talk to me. She has a fruit stand nearby and gave me a peach and a Korean melon. She told me that she sees most of the PCT thru-hikers that come through so she knows which ones will finish. She looks at me and says, "you girlie, you are going to finish, I know". She told me to set up my camp in the middle of this lot and no one will bother me because she will watch out for me.
I just remembered that my niece, Tiffany got married in Hawaii today. Congrats Tiff and Sam!
Wish I could have been there. They are coming to California before Sam gets deployed to Iraq. I hope to see them when I pass through Tahoe. Here is what I did the last two days on the elevation map. I am at mile 443.
Positive Brain Food: It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult…. (Seneca)
Wow, you're making tracks. Be careful through that desert. Nice to know you gave that rattle snake the respect he deserved, by stepping around him. :)
Stay well Girlie!
Keep rockin' it and having fun! That Korean lady sounds like one of the "Trail Angels"
Keep having a blast!
Bless that Korean woman! Another angel on the trail.
You will make it through, girlie!
Power on, sister.
Take care, Diesel (Liesel)
I found your blog this morning searching for results of the Mohican 100 (I found a blog that led to another blog that led to you!) A random way to find you but I'm happy to include your blog in my favorites. You're a strong woman! I'm excited to follow your PCT journey.
Here's a quote from Laurence Gonzales' book DEEP SURVIVAL: "Ultimately, it is the struggle that keeps one alive. What seems a paradox is simply the act of living: Never stop struggling. Life itself is a paradox, gathering order out of the chaos of matter and energy. When the struggle ceases, we die." If you are reading on this trip you should check out the book, it rocks. Have fun on your adventures!
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