Day 24 - Saturday, June 16
Here's a picture that my friend, Andy took when I was coming down Mt Baden Powell to meet him. I was happy to see Andy! He took one of us together but it didn't turn out for some unknown reason. :-(

I had to hike this ugly section of about 7 miles that is a lot longer that it needs to be with an overgrown path and bad trail bed because some rancher won't let the PCT cross his land so we have to go around. Litsl is about 2 hours behind.
My Highgear watch band broke - the plastic part where the pin fits into cracked! This is the third watch this has happened to. Jerry repaired the first one about 2 years ago but it only held for a short time. I got the watch free since they're one of my sponsors so I'm not losing anything but it's a nightmare having to keep it in my pack and take it out to check elevation when I am climbing. I'm going to buy a different kind of watch.
As I am leaving this section, I'm sad because my friend, Kevin that I met last year on the JMT won't be able to come out and see me. He normally has Fridays off but h
ad to work a 12 hour shift at LAPD. We have gone way past the area where he could come out.
As I am leaving this section, I'm sad because my friend, Kevin that I met last year on the JMT won't be able to come out and see me. He normally has Fridays off but h

Here I am in the afternoon totally dehydrated and looking pretty cooked in this hot section heading toward Hwy 138. We had to go all day without any water refills.
Litsl was about 3 hours behind by 6pm when I arrived at Hikertown. No one was there except me and this kitty who was visiting with me. I set up camp on a lawn and waited for litsl to show up about 9pm. We did 28 miles and are at mile 518.
I talked to Tattoo Joe and we both know we won't be able to get the speed records that we were trying for. We decided that we will team up in 2009 and give the record another try. I am still going to try for the women's record of 91 days but it doesn't matter how long it takes me, I am going to finish. Some hikers were saying that people who try for records usually quit if they can't get the record. NOT ME, I am out here until the end!
We know you wont quit because you are Catra: Superstude!!!
Rock it chick!
thats the attitude! record or not, it's about personal challenge and guts! be strong and happy, Cat!
there's no doubt in my mind you'll finish - in record time or not. You are a star. I love reading your experiences... reminds me a lot of traveling through Asia - with all the people you meet and the wonderful teamwork and commradarie that goes with it. Thanks for bringing those memories back for me.
Keep up the great work! You are a star shining bright.
Matt Carpenter tried for the LT100 record a few years ago and didn't make it - but he finished! He is so elite. When someone that elite finishes, you know it's because they love running. It's not just about winning or records. It's loving life and the people you meet.
Thanks for all these inpiring messages, Catra. You put the "Z" in Zany! You're showing us how to live.
"I am out here until the end"
I'm all admiration here.
That which we persist in doing becomes easier, not that the task itself has become easier, but that our ability to perform it has improved.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
US essayist & poet (1803 - 1882)
You've got what it takes to finish!
Aw, you go girl! There's no doubt you'll finish Keep it up Catra.
Continue having fun, thats all that matters! That is advice you gave me once! Stay positive!
We'll be reading all along the way as you "FINISH", record or not!
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