Day 30 - Friday, June 22
My friend, Chris Rios from Ridgecrest (ultrarunner, Race Director and Pres. of Over The Hill Track Club) came to Walkers Pass to meet us and bring us food and supplies. He also invited Linda Dewees (completed her 1st 100 Miler at AC last year) and Corky Furnish (another bad ass old school ultrarunner). I got to Walkers pass earlier than planned since I did 18 miles in under 7 hours. Litsl was about 3 hours behind me. I also meet a hiker, Angie and her dog, Momma who hitched in because the heat was getting to Momma so they were camped waiting for her boyfriend to pick up Momma.
Well, Chris took many great pictures so here is his report with his pictures.
Catra had phone service around 2 pm or so on Thursday. She said she would most likely be at Walkers Pass around 2:30 or 3 pm on Friday. I asked again what I might bring her. Made a list to go shopping on Friday. I called her again on Friday while at the market for any last minute request. I ended up getting her fruit, lemonade, potato chips, corn chips, salsa, water and clif bars/gels. She also asked if I had a pad for sleeping for her companion Carl. His was shot. Turns out he had slept a couple of nights on the bare ground. I happen to have one so I brought that along also. Oh and Carl wanted Coke. I brought two bottles for him.
Well, I left my house about 1 pm, drove to get my car gassed up and bought some ice for my cooler and for a 5 gal. Gatorade container. Arrived at the Walkers Pass campground about 10 minutes to 2 and as I parked and let my two dogs out of the car I heard Catra's voice yelling at me. She had arrived way ahead of the time she thought she would be getting there by. She said she was really moving fast. She was on the trail by herself as she had left alone that morning. When she had all her stuff down I asked her for a big hug.
Catra looked so good, you wouldn't thought that she had been going for so many days and miles. She looked pretty damn fresh.
Well, my friend Linda Dewees had gotten there before me and had gone up the trail and told me she met Catra about a mile from the camp site.
Not much of a workout for her as she is running the Tahoe Rim Trail 100 and later the Wasatch 100. I parked at a spot that had a table and some shade. Catra was up the hill a ways and brought all of her stuff down to where I parked.
A little after unloading all the food stuff and drinks a girl comes by and asked, "well who's Catra". She met Catra and ended up hanging with us all the while that I stayed. I think her name was Angie from Truckee. She had been hiking the PCT with her 4 year old dog but had left the trail. I forget at what point because it was just to hot and she couldn't carry enough water for her and her dog. She hitched a ride to Walkers Pass and was waiting for her boy friend to pick up her dog. She would continue hiking the PCT to the end. Way later, I forget what time it was, Carl shows up. He is a Brit and is a fun guy. Turns out he knew me as he had ran our Ridgecrest 50k last year. His is an Ultrarunner and has done a number of Ultra's. We all had a fun time hanging. Between Catra, Carl and Angie
I heard lots of fun stories of their adventure up to Walkers Pass.
I left a little after 6 PM.... Chris
Wow, it was so fun to see all of you.The food and drinks were great. Chris, you are the best!
We are camped at Mile 651 and will start our 2-day push tomorrow to Kennedy Meadows.
You look great, as usual, Catra. It amazes me how you always have a big ol' smile on your face.
Rock on Girlie!
keep chugging along and looking forward to ya in Oregon. I am going to go moto up to the PCT this weekend and do some hiking to check the snow level and conditions and my new ultralight setup for an overnighter.
doing great!!!!!!!
Looking fresh as a daisy, Catra!
Wow! Keep on rockin up the trail! I just hope the South Lake Tahoe fires don't cause problems and are out in the next couple days. Even though I guess you may have what a week-10 days before you hit that mark??
Very nice photos. Everyone looks so relaxed and happy.
You've come a long way and still lookin' fantastic.
Good luck, Catra!
Lookin good girlie. beautiful as ever. sending good vibes out to you and your trail buds. looks like your in good company. in honour of my 44th b-day tomorrow i'm doing my longest run/hike from tilden to big bear station (17 miles) inspire me so much catra
xo C.
DUDE... Get a PCT tattoo at the finish!!
Keep rockin it guys... thinking of you often from the appalachian mountains!
Sherpa John
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