Days 11 & 12 - Sunday & Monday, June 3-4
This section is a killer! The temperature during the day has reached about 110º according to my watch. There was a stretch of about 25 miles of these long, hot canyons with climbs straight up and steep downhills. Not the switchbacks I was used to in the mountains. It was brutal and tested every fiber of my body. I was getting dehydrated and my shoulder was giving me a problem. A couple of times I just wanted to lay down and quit but I remembered that the closest hikers to me are the boys and they are likely 2-3 days behind me. There are no permanent PCT markers because these canyons are flooded with 15' raging rivers during the winter which wipe out the trail. Each year the trail angels have to rebuild the trail. They do a really nice job. I could see where they had laid rock borders, removed debris, etc. I finally discovered these tall 12'-13' markers for the trail and that helped me stay on track. I also fell and bruised my hip. As I finished up the first day, I noticed my clothes were encrusted with salt which is really unusual for me. I don't usually sweat out a lot of salt.

Sounds tough out there, but you're doing great. Take care and stay hydrated!
Eat and drink, Catra! You know better than rely on your "wants". Tough days through the desert on, it'll get better.
Lots of love for you, girl!
You are incredible! Thank you for posting about your progress!
Stay Strong! You are doing great! Drink, Drink, Drink!
my dear Catra ~
See?! You did such a fine job creating good vibes with your Sons that brought the Montrail shirt back to you. Yeah! And that is all while you are boiling and sweating and getting more dirty and falling and not eating and hardly drinking and running out there with invisible trail angels and searching for water and WOW! i wonder what happens when you make vibes when you don't have so many distractions :0
Got email from Ann & Carl that was addressed "DC Firetrails Entrant." That made my day.
The heavens in your horoscope are delivering you a 5 STAR DAY with this note: Others seek you out for what seems to be way too many reasons, especially if you are trying to concentrate.
(no kidding!)
Awesome Catra! I love how you power through difficulty! We think about you everyday and are always sending good vibes your way.
Go Catra Go!!
You're doing great. it's hard to stay on top of every detail, but you're counting your calories and water. Maybe not perfectly, but certainly better than most people.
I don't know how you deal with the heat. That's my Achilles heel.
Hey, your legs look great even covered in dirt!
When it gets tough, just chant, "I'm unstoppable. I'm unstoppable."
Go Mom Go! Do I look sad? It's 'cuz I miss you. Go fast so me & Boomer can come see you in Yosemite or Tahoe. XOXO!
P.S. I'm doing good on my diet but hate the veggies!
Amazing One ~
What happened to all those cute safety pins on your running skirt? i just noticed they were gone when i was looking at the Dirty Legs pic.
Rocky looks lonely without you! But i love that he got his own page! Dog on A Blog. How cool is that? :)
NOOO don't let yourself get dehydrated. Keep drinking! Keep eating! This trail needs you to finish it! Does that makes sense? Okay, we all want you to finish it! We're rooting for you, praying for you, thinking about you. Be careful and take care of your bod so we can all throw a huge, celebratory party for you when you've conquered the trail in record time. In the meantime, enjoy sleeping under the stars!!!
Boomer & I had a great playdate today with Rocky. We went for a very nice walk and he enjoyed a snack of apples and carrots. He even learned how to use Boomer's doggie door. Rocky helped me make some of my organic power blocks in the kitchen and he got to lick the peanut butter spoon. ;) I gave him a lot of lovin' and a little massage before driving him home. I hope to make it a weekly thing -- everybody had fun. He'll be in good shape when we hook up with you.
Hugs sent your way!
Know that your strength gives others strength too! You are awesome and I look forward to checking your blog each day. Enjoy the stars - I miss seeing them up here in the cloudy PNW! Tell them hi for me (especially Draco). Sending you good vibes and love...
Hadn't been by your blog in a I just got caught up on this adventure. Impressed doesn't really say enough...but it's all I've got in me right now.
Try to stay hydrated and get your salt back in now that you're losing it.
Catra, I am in awe of you. You are really doing well out there on your own. Keep on keeping on :)
Way to go catra, keep it up. you are a incredible spirit.
Hats off to you. You are amazing!!
Be safe.
It is just an incredible journey. You are amazing! Keep up the spirit and see you in the Bay Area soon.
Keep the faith Cat pulling for you...hang tough...this will be one of your many challenges!
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