Ok, here I am sitting in the Loon bean in Mammoth. Hanging with Kurt the corrupter. There is a whole bunch of us PCTers here - Lucid Moose, Cole, Gesh, Junk food, Tea Tree, Squash, Tourist, Loon, Swan and Bear. 
There are more but I can't remember who.
We went for Mexican food at Rubios last night - it was awesome.
I have been peeing blood for 5 days on the trail. Yep, you guessed it a bladder infection. Silly me forgot to take my Cipro in my first aid kit. Made it to Mammoth and went to the clinic. The doctor couldn't believe I went 5 days with it. To be honest I had no choice. It really is the worst one I have ever had. I'm taking Cipro so it should be gone in three days.
We weren't going to take a zero day but since the other guys are, The Corrupter and I thought it would be best for me to drink tons of water and hang one day.
Aaron is supposed to meet up with us today at Reds Meadow. He is hiking into Tuolumne with us. He will be going for the unsupported speed record on the JMT later this month. I left a message for him so we will hook up at the trail head. Also, Jerry is meeting us Sunday and we were going to have to stall on the trail and do just 10 miles today. We are 35 miles from Tuolumne. I have to wait to get a package from the Post office Monday. So here we are.
I am having a blast with Kurt. I'm learning so much about hiking. This trail is way to hard to run with the amount of food and water you have to carry.
I thought it would be like doing the JMT fastpacking. WRONG...I'm learning through-hiking a long trail is tough. The only way you can really run it is by having a crew.
I have been running down the passes which is fun. I have great respect for long distance hiking and the people th
at do it. I am proud to say I'm a through-hiker and I am now one of them just moving forward each day. We are all just trying to get to Canada. Yes, some of us like moving faster but we are all
doing the same thing.
We are all one big family out on the trail. I am happy to be only going 22-28 mile days through the beautiful Sierras. I am seeing things I have never seen before when I have run through the area.
I want to thank all of you who are following my journey. I read the blog w
hen I can and it makes me smile. I really love all of you.
That's all for now. I hope I get to see some of you on the trail. Hey, if you want to come out and hike with me, that would be great.
Dirt Diva
Team Dirt