Days 35-41 - Weds, June 27-Tues, July 3

Cottonwood(11,160'),Forester(13,180'), Glen(11,978'), Pinchot(12,130'), Mather(12,100'), & Muir(11,955') - all in a 135 mile stretch. We decided not to do Mt Whitney. I've been to the top the last 3 years and it is about 16 miles off the PCT.

We stopped at Muir Trail Ranch on Monday to get our resupply. I opened my bucket and found a stowaway, Wild Things Max doll. He had a note saying he wanted to do the rest of the PCT with me. I love my new Max. ;-) I was really ready for my new Hardrocks and my food supplies. One downer - my new Suunto watch didn't come here either. :-(
On Tuesday, we made it through Selden Pass(10,900') and camped near Mono Creek at mile 875.

I will be at Mammoth on July 5 and will staying there with 4 thru-hikers. I was able to get a short text message and these pictures sent for my blog. I will have more details when I reach Mammoth.
“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.” John Muir
Good going! My gosh, I am SO IMPRESSED! Your adventure is breathtaking!
Go Catra go!
You are doing awesome Catra. And you look great! Keep it up. I miss having you here, so hike fast. LOL
Hey Mom, I'm cheering you on! Jo Lynn & Boomer are bringing me to Sonora Pass to see you in just a few days. Don't hang around Mammoth too long! I'm waiting to see you.
Looking wonderful as always! How do you do that? Happy gal you are:)
You are amazing and an inspiration!
So glad to get an update on you.
You are making your way down and up and all around PCT!!! rock it!
Hey Dirt Diva
You are an unbelievable hiker -can anyone keep up with you?
Do you ever do off trail treks?
It was cool to see you using a Contrail tent. It really is big enough for two good friends=)
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