Day 52 - Saturday, July 14
Had the whole day to wander around town and check out stores. Looked at clothes in the Thrift Shop and bought a Von Dutch shirt for $1 and a Abercrombie & Fitch demin skirt for $2. I've lost enough weight that I can fit in a size 2 skirt. I will wear these while I do my laundry.
Had time to catch up on my online accounts and some time to lay by the pool to get some sun.
I read my horoscope for today that is mailed to me each day.
Dear catra, Here is your horoscope for Saturday, July 14:
Delays only strengthen your resolve to get this accomplished. The stars applaud your determination, but they point out that a pause might actually benefit your efforts in the long run. Slowing down has a purpose now.
Now is that too weird? Sounds like I am supposed to take this break. LOL!

Sleeping in a bed two nights in a row seems strange to me. I'm ready to get back to my home on the trail and sleep under the stars.
Your horoscope was funny! If the writers only knew! You look better after all these days on the trail than most people do after a lot of rest and beauty treatments!
You're tough as nails, but still very much a girly girl! You're my hero, Catra!
The bear thing sounded aweful to me, but I know it wasn't your first time. How do you look big when you're so tiny? And horoscope - now I've got to believe in it! Catra, you'll make it through and I am looking forward following you all the way!
Sorry if I sound confused! But were you making the pace you wanted to set the record or did you give up that record long ago?
I found out about this based on your earlier posts at CrossFit message boards. You also mentioned a couple of guys that were going for the record at nearly the same time as you. Do you have any idea how they are doing?
Anyhow I hope things are going well for you. Sorry to hear about your bladder infection. Its those more ... ill and destructive things to our bodies that have to make us at times question if its worth it to push our bodies to a point where we lose our strength. But I give you mad props!
Hang in there, Catra! You're an amazing woman, for sure. Not everyone can understand you but you inspire people like us to always strive to be more than we are.
Sleeping with no shelter can get addictive, can't it? I love the wind on my cheeks at night. Even a few snowflakes feel good in colder times.
Hope the bladder is better.
We may be from different universes but we share the love for the trail. Enjoy your downtime.
I love it when a horoscope, a line from a book that pops out at you, a 'sign' confirms that you are doing just what should be done. I especially love when these come at points of uncertainty.
Enjoy your journey! You are awe-inspiring!
hi catra,
this is hao. it was great meeting you at trt 50. hope you have a great trek the rest of the way. you are a true inspiration. hang tough.
This is a great post thaanks
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