Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Day 61 - Monday, July 23

Sierra City is mile 1197 on the PCT. I am heading out to Belden (mile 1289) and the final 92 miles of the Central Calif section. Four days is the longest I've been off trail since I started but it was great to see so many friends. I have to say my legs are sore from using different muscles in the 50 mile race. Several groups of thru-hikers have passed through in the last four days. A group of them went out at Tahoe to visit Reno.

Jerry drove me to the trailhead. He and Rocky went up the trail with me for about a half mile before the rocks on the trail got to be too much for Rocky. I kissed and hugged Rocky goodbye for a long time. As I started up the trail I was crying and yelling back to my weenie boy how much I'm going to miss him. I feel like just going home with Rocky. It's going to be a long day hiking alone, thinking about him. :°-(
"Love is when your dog licks your face even when you've left him alone all day" (or in my case for 2 months!)


Jo Lynn said...

Oh, I'm so glad you to to see Rocky. I bet he was happy to see you! I dig his new harness. It looks much more comfy than the black one. Julia told me you joined her on the TRT. I couldn't believe it. You are a NUT!!!! Sounds like you really needed to see some familiar faces. Take it easy, enjoy the views.

Olga said...

Awesome time spent at TRT, Catra! Glad you were able to do it!

King Arthur said...

Running a 50 miler in the middle of your thru-hike, now that's style! Congrats on your great finish.
You've almost caught up to the 12 year old & his dad (Oblivious & Troll) that are thru-hiking the PCT. When you see them, give that boy a big fat kiss from his friends up in Washington.

Miki said...

Oh, that made me teary Catra. :(

That was cool you did the 50 Catra. I know folks were really glad to see you there.

Anonymous said...

Could ya make me cry anymore?!?!?!
Four-legged kids and their moms *R*O*C*K* !!


runrgrrl7 said...

Don't forget that we (all your friends) are in your heart, always!
